about us
oGoFloat started as a passion project between two tenacious floaters. The planning and building of oGoFloat took many years before coming to fruition. The duo of the early days has dissolved, but that time remains integral to the foundation of oGoFloat.
oGoFloat is now a co-op household of likeminded individuals who work together to create a superbly clean environment of acceptance and safety, free from judgement.
meet the team
Hi! I’m Julie and I’m likely to be your float host. I also answer the phone, emails, and social media inquiries. I author most of the blog posts and newsletters. I’ve been in the salt business for many years. I’ve floated hundreds of times, and at over 20 different float studios in Canada and the Pacific Northwest USA. I’ve attended 7 (and counting) Float Conferences. I’ve provided consulting advice for up-and-coming float centers and opined on industry boards.

I can answer all your salty questions. Hosting floats for people and bearing witness to those amazing post float smiles fills my cup and keeps me motivated to keep offering this amazing service. I live the salt life in service to you and your float practice. I am so honoured you choose to #RelaxHarder at oGoFloat.

I’m Nick and I came on board at oGoFloat at the beginning of 2022. Since then, I’ve been absorbing all the floaty information I can and floating a few times a week. I’ve experienced immeasurable benefit from my float practice. I’m excited to share my journey with others and be part of theirs. I host floats when Julie isn't available. I look forward to learning from you and about your floaty experiences.
I’m Donavin. I was a long time Float Club member at oGoFloat and cherished every time I came to enjoy 90 minutes of sweet salty solitude. I was excited when the opportunity presented for me to join the oGoFloat team and put down roots in my hometown. I assist oGoFloat as needed with my preferred positions being party host and in house juggler.