Why the late cancellation policy?
oGoFloat requires that you provide 24 hour notice to cancel a scheduled float. A no show or last minute cancellation may result in a warning, a $25 late cancellation fee, the requirement to prepay next time, or the forfeiture of a float credit. We understand life happens and a first offense will be treated lightly. Repeat offenders will face stiffer consequences.
Thankfully, late cancellations and no show appointments are very rare at oGoFloat, but when they do happen they have a massive impact on our small business. There are many reasons why a no show or late cancel hurt our business.
Here’s why.

Someone else could have Relaxed Harder,
When you cancel late or simply don’t show up for your float session it takes away a time slot that could have been reserved by someone else. The time spent waiting on a customer who doesn’t show up is a precious asset that could be better spent on a customer who does show up. Some people float because it’s the only time they don’t feel pain. Some people float because their mental health is fragile, and may struggle to get through the week without it. Floating means something different to everyone and I must tell you it’s so disappointing when an appointment doesn’t show up and it means someone who uses floating for legit life saving reasons could have filled that slot. The float tanks are here to serve, and they get sad when they can’t live their purpose.
It’s not just for someone else’s sake that we are sad you missed your appointment. We are sad that you missed your opportunity to Relax Harder; to calibrate your nervous system, improve sleep, reduce muscle tension, positively impact your immune system, balance hormones, manage anxiety and mental health. We want these things for you.
Finances are a real thing,
No show appointments don’t just prevent us from receiving your payment, they actually cost us money in prep time, supplies, and the missed appointment that could have been filled by another. We didn’t get into the float business for greed's sake, but we depend on the financial contribution of our floaters to maintain the studio and ensure we can continue to offer this valuable resource.
We live in paradise,
oGoFloat is open 7 days a week, most days from 8am to 8pm. We aim to offer as many appointment options as possible so you can find a float time that fits your schedule. As a super small business, we don’t have additional staff, it’s just us. We rarely schedule a day off; we organize our personal schedules around the float schedule.
When we do get time off, we love going to the beach, walking, or swimming with our dog, wine touring, festival attending, hiking, and finding reasons to spend our dollars at local businesses. Let’s be honest, no one lives in the Okanagan to work all day every day. Why would anyone want to live here and subject yourself to the Sunshine Tax unless you enjoyed getting out and taking advantage of the beauty our community has to offer?
Your float practice is a priority to us, but when you are not floating, and we are not floating, we like to get out and enjoy this exquisite place we are so lucky to call home. When you have a float scheduled and you don’t show up or cancel at the last minute it means we may have declined an invitation, cancelled plans, or rushed to host you and it bums us out.

How you can help,
Through our booking site you can sign up to receive text and email reminders making it harder for you to forget. We are people too and completely understand that life happens; emergencies happen. Sometimes you have no choice but to cancel your float at the last minute. We completely understand and are very reasonable when it comes to the enforcement of the late cancellation policy. On a case-by-case basis, we often waive the late cancellation fee for a first infraction. We are forced to charge it when if becomes a recurring problem or was for a high in demand appointment time.
We will always accept a late cancellation with no charge if you have fallen ill. Please do not come to oGoFloat if you are sick. As much notice as possible is appreciated but you will not be penalized for prioritizing others safety.
Currently, we do not require you to provide a credit card to reserve your float and we want to keep it that way, although it’s incredibly common in the reservation industry. We have float customers who don’t use credit cards, and we don’t want something so simple to prevent you from floating. Please help us keep it this way by honouring your appointments and letting us know as soon as possible if you are unable to.